walgreens trip number two


butterball chicken broth...69 cents
(use in-ad coupon)

currently, conagra (maker of butterball) is offering a $5 rebate if you buy $10 worth of their products. now, i was going to do this deal yesterday, but it looked like they were regularly priced at 75 cents..(other places online claimed this is regularly priced at $1.19, so you'd buy 9 cans for $10.71... i wasn't quite sure of the deal so i didn't do it)
if the broth is regularly 75 cents, i would buy 14 cans for a total of $10.50. coupons would take of 84 cents. after the rebate, you'd end up paying $4.66 for 14 cans, or 33 cents/can.


it is rumored that the buy one, get a free coupon irish spring body wash deal is even better... if you get another body wash with your coupon, it will give you another one for yet another free body wash!
i'm definitely trying this out tonight and i'll let you know.


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