my ten

alright, since i suggested you all make a list of ten ways to save and stick to it, here are my ten:

1. bag my lunch and bring it to work every single day. you would think i already do this, it's so simple. half the time i skip lunch, go to the vending machine, or go to my SOs who never has much of anything "good" to eat. i will start packing it the night before so i have no excuse.
some of my ideas:
cheese & crackers
egg/chicken/tuna salad
salad (with egg, cheese, cucumber, tomato)
veggies + dip
canned corn or green beans
nuts (when they're on sale.. i wish they weren't so darn expensive)
whole carrot (yes..i love them plain!)
grilled cheese
cold pasta salad
bean salad
bagel + cream cheese
soup my electricity use like a hawk. i was told by CPM here in champaign that all my utilities were included in my rent. i asked several times to double check. well to them, "all utilities" includes gas and water.. not electricity. which was fine for the winter because we have the old gas heat registers.. but come summertime, there is NO central air, so i will be running a window unit AND i have to pay for the electricity. ugh.

4. take care of myself. i'm 5'7" and weigh 130. i don't exercise. ever. i loathe it. i need to start. it will make me feel better and save healthcare costs down the road. how do people enjoy it? do you enjoy it? let me know how. i have a pit/lab mix and really really need to start getting her outside more often. this will also save on some gas costs. i am within walking distance to walgreens, schnucks, gas stations, and the post office. i also promise to sit with a good posture in my chair at work, my body aches every single day and i'm sick of it.

5. QUIT SMOKING. i have no option. i didn't buy any for a month and "borrowed" from others. i finally bought two packs 2 weeks ago with a $3.40 off 2 packs coupon. i bought some last night without a coupon. $5.53!?!?!?!? no way. i'm done, it's over. it has to be.

6. eat oatmeal in the morning at least 3x/week.

7. start making meals in bulk and freeze for later. i did this with gumbo once and it was awesome.. what do you want for dinner? oh, i don't know.. um, we have the gumbo in the freezer...okay.... AND.. 10 minutes later, we're eating homemade gumbo. fabulous.
i'm going to make this tonight but add some tuna (on sale at county market this week for 65 cents). i have all the ingredients at home (well except for peas, which i still don't like, so green beans will replace them)

8. use 1/3 less laundry detergent and dish washing soap

9. sell some stuff on craigslist and ebay

10. eat less meat. it's expensive.


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