Hello Fellow Coupners!

I am very pleased and excited to be posting on Champaign County couponing! Thank you SO much to Jazzrib for allowing me to participate. The site is going to have a bit of different slant than what you are used to for awhile because I need to start out with what I have background on before I'll be able to branch out. Please leave comments about what you like or don't like and we'll try to build the site the way it will be helpful to the greatest number of people.

By way of introduction, I am a very new blogger but a very experienced couponer and grocery shopper (you will note I did not use the word "old" ;-) but put it this way I remember couponing with my mom when we would cut out coupons for 5 cents off from the newspaper). I started couponing on my own as a young adult thinking I would quit when I had enough money that I didn't need to do that anymore. A marriage and two grown children later I realized that I would prefer to coupon and spend the money we save on things I would enjoy having and doing than on groceries!

I am currently participating in a contest in conjunction with All You Magazine where the challenge is to feed your household delicious and nutritious meals for $25 or less per person per week. I thought I'd share here some of my ideas and menus along with sale match ups from the local stores. Eventually I can embed links to coupons as well but as I said, I am a very new blogger and haven't learned to do that yet.


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